How to start & grow a YouTube channel for your sewing | FIVE tips for success…
YouTube notified me at the end of 2024 that I have been uploading to their platform for FIVE WHOLE YEARS!! Although I had a rough idea of how long I’d been going with this, seeing it written down in an actual email really made me feel quite proud. I started YouTube very much with a bit of a ‘let’s see how this goes’ type of attitude, I never intended to make it part of my work and I never, ever thought I would get used to editing videos (more on that later!). I was inspired to share more about my YouTube journey because, also at the end of 2024 I…
Vlog | A week in my life, handmade outfits, sewing and more…
Hi everyone, In today’s video, I’m sharing a week of my handmade outfits, a little bit of what I get up to in the week and of course some sewing and new fabrics chat too. I hope you enjoy the video! Sally
VLOG – How to – Sew a little girls jersey dress
Today I’m sewing a jersey dress for my daughter using a T shirt pattern I already have and adding a gathered skirt. I talk about how I plan to resize the pattern pieces to adapt them to make a dress, fitting the jersey neckband and how to measure the skirt depending on how much gather you like. Thank you so much for watching. If you have any questions about the making process do let me know in the comments below. If you haven’t already subscribed to my channel I’d love you to consider subscribing for more sewing and making content. My normal upload day is a Saturday morning. Lots of…
Lulu Gathered Mini Dress by The Aware Collection – A pattern review in collaboration with Makerist
For this blog post I’ve teamed up with Makerist.com who kindly invited me to review two of their patterns and are offering my lovely followers the chance to win one of three free patterns in a GIVEAWAY over on my Instagram account @secret_life_of_a_seamstress. I’d love you to pop over and enter if you can 🙂 Makerist are also kindly offering 20% off of all full price patterns so if you’d like to treat yourself to a lovely sewing pattern as well as enter the giveaway simply enter the code SECRETLIFE20 at checkout. *Please be aware that the giveaway ends on Monday 21 September and discount code ends on Monday 19 October, so…