
  • Lifestyle

    Ten reasons why sewing is amazing (and you should try it)…

    One – It’s good for your mental health – For me, the whole sewing process from start to finish can be so mindful. I tend to switch off from everything else when I sit at my machine so it’s a great way to take a break from the everyday stresses of life and have a bit of ‘me time’. Working with your hands has been proven to have a positive effect on anxiety too! Two – There are so many pretty fabrics to use – Fabric shopping can be seriously addictive! Gone are the days of limited fabric choice with only a few fabric shops to buy from. There are…

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  • Lifestyle

    Ten Crafty Christmas Gift Ideas | What’s on my list this year…

    So it’s mid November, Bonfire Night has passed which means that it’s now perfectly acceptable to start thinking about all things Christmas (well that’s my rule anyway!). I’ve been having a little look around online, determined to be more organised this year with my gift buying instead of the usual ‘I don’t know what to get anyone’ dash that usually happens mid December. Of course, while I was looking for, ahem, the others in my life I managed to come across a couple of things that happened to make it onto my own list for Father Christmas too. Here’s a little run down of a few things I’ve found in…

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    Five reasons why I believe crafting is good for our mental wellbeing…

    I feel like crafting has always been a part of my life. Ever since quite a young age, I would want to learn the crafts I saw my mum and grandparents working on and was taught how to knit, crochet and sew basic stitches as a child.  Since then, crafting has always given me a happiness and a peace, which is quite hard to explain. During my teenage years I went through a very anxious time, it was during this time that I felt crafting, knitting in particular, amongst other things really got me through. But, I don’t want to focus this blog all around the negative times, while it…

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    A wardrobe edit – the autumn edition…

    Since it’s officially October now I thought it was about high time that I put a few hours aside to pack away all of my spring/summer clothes and get out all of my autumn/winter clothes.  We don’t have a lot of clothes storage in our bedroom so I tend to do a seasonal switch over rather than keep everything out.  I think this helps to see what I actually have to wear that’s appropriate for the seasons too. So one grey morning in October I decided I would use the day to have a good old fashioned sort out.  I got literally EVERYTHING out of all of my wardrobes, drawers…

  • Lifestyle

    Ten things I’ve loved about September…

    One – Getting back to a routine… At the beginning of September we found ourselves thrown back into school days and although we were nervous at first about how we’d all cope (by we I mainly mean me, because I’ll happily admit to loving the extra time with the kids during lockdown) it has proved to be a good thing for us all that we’re finally back into some sort of ‘normal’ routine and I’ve felt much more productive for it. Two – Conker collecting… Every year since my children were little we’ve gone down to the river that runs through our town in September to collect conkers and I’m…