Tips and Tricks
My TOP FIVE online sewing and craft retailers…
There’s no getting away from the fact that online fabric shopping can sometimes be tricky. It’s always lovely to be able to go into a shop and feel the fabric and know exactly what you’re getting before investing your hard earned cash. Unfortunately, particularly with the Covid lockdown situation and more and more retailers moving to online trading, this isn’t always possible so I’ve put together this little list of my top five online sewing and fabric stores in the hope that it might be helpful if you don’t know where to start! All of these shops I’ve used and would highly recommend based on my experience of product quality…
How to choose the right fabric for your sewing pattern | My top five tips…
This is something I’ve been asked about quite a lot recently on Instagram and over on YouTube so I thought I’d write a short blog and make a quick YouTube video explaining how I personally go about selecting my pattern and fabric matches. I hope you might find something helpful in it 🙂 Tip No. 1 – Use the Pattern Envelope… It might be an obvious one but those fabric suggestions are included on the back of your pattern envelope for a good reason and that is that the pattern designer or company think these will work best for the type of garment the pattern is designed to make. That’s…